total in attendance

philip yancey-what good is god?
in attendance

Adult Education
new classroom – the Parlor
annual small group summit

Small Group Training
Led by Alden and Candace Bass
Campus Ministry
houses built in Honduras and 100 children taught Jesus at VBS
students went on mission trips | retreats
students in lunch bunch
annual Friendsgiving
adopted college students
Love One Another is a natural theme that is woven into everything we do in campus ministry. From eating together around the table every Wednesday night to orchestrating two mission trips, love remains at the center. We have many volunteers who open their homes to students through our Lunch Bunch program, same with our adoption program. Our Sunday/Wednesday curriculum this year has also added to the idea that we should love one another just as Christ loves us. One of our key ideas this semester has been from Ephesians 1:4-5, “Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.” We have been loved and chosen by God before we were even created. Because of this, we are called to love others!

Care & Counseling
Counseling opportunities
January-November 2024 MRCC members

CARE programs
Backpacks full of school supplies to families
Holiday gifts to children at MRCC
Spent per month on benevolence for members
Lifted in prayer
support group meetings
new marriages prepared in Merge class
9th grade girls in Wednesday afternoon mental health study series
Celebrate Recovery
CR leaders, youth interns, and childcare workers attended QPR training
new intern position added
MRCC participants took their testimony “on the road” to share the good news of what Jesus has done in their life to other local Celebrate Recovery ministries, as well as Bible Classes and OC chapel.
CR Leaders developed and taught a Wednesday Night Bible Class in the Fall Quarter of 2024. Class was designed to illustrate how principles of recovery are reflected in the lives of familiar biblical characters.

Children’s Ministry

God is Good
What a blessing it is to stand at our children’s ministry desks in both Promise Land (birth – Kindergarten) and Journey Land (1st – 5th grade) to welcome our children and their families as they attend Bible class. We see all the smiling faces and remember that God is good all the time. The children of MRCC are a reminder of that truth.
Our Journey Land children, once again, invested financially and relationally with the children at Village of Hope. In 2024, Journey Land families raised $3000 to buy generators for the Village of Hope in Ghana, Africa. We are shining our light by giving light!
Our Buddy Program continues to grow. We are currently serving 7 families and regularly get emails enquiring about our program. It is such a blessing to give these families an opportunity to be a part of a church community. We also provided a day where these families could get a picture, in a safe environment, with Santa. We had several community guests in the building for this event.
We are extremely grateful to an eldership and congregation that makes Biblical education for children a priority and is willing to dedicate funds to that experience. It is a privilege to watch the fruit of that investment.

average Promise Land attendance
average Journey Land attendance
Trunk or Treat children and family
campers at Inside Out camp
Church Stats
New Members
Baptisms to Date
Total Members Today
General fund contributions are around 98% of budget.
Community Outreach- our town
Word on the Street

served the children of OKC

Thanksgiving Day in the City

220 meal boxes packed
1,341 people fed
150 packers
45 delivery drivers
$1,575 pie donations

Disaster Relief
provided relief to those impacted by wildfires, tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes across
5 states & 2 countries

International Ministry
We hosted our 33rd annual International Thanksgiving Dinner.
meals served
hosts and volunteers
countries represented
English classes continued to grow through the year as participants invite their friends.
Spanish table group is growing in our Sunday morning International Class. We also added a new kids’ table on Sundays.
Fidel and Krisley were baptized, as well as Henry Godino, who came here as a baby with his mama and older sister.
We welcomed new friends from Venezuela, Brazil and Haiti.
Ashok and Sawmi were married at MRCC on December 6.
We continue to assist refugees, lately from Haiti and Venezuela.
The focus of this year’s event was relationship building around the table. Hosts invited guests they already knew to sit down for a meal in this unique setting and introduce our guests to the international ministry. The event showcased our motto in action: ALL NATIONS WELCOME!
leadership training for christ (LTC)
students participated
members attended the Dallas convention
candy bars awarded to students for years of LTC participation
On any given Sunday, starting in November, you’ll find dozens of students:

Lighthouse Ministry
In Matthew 25:40, we are told that “whatever you do for the least of these, you did it for me.” There are many stories of blessings this year at the Lighthouse Medical Clinic.
God is always working at the Lighthouse!

total patients seen
sports physicals
prescriptions given to help patients
given hope and prayed for
At the end of 2024, as I reflect back on the journey at the Lighthouse clinic, maybe more of an adventure to some, I feel blessed to be on God’s team to bless others and love them too. This year people came from 17 different countries: Nigeria, India, Burma, Bangladesh, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela, Australia, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the USA. We had 1227 medical visits this year. We also did 250 sports physicals so kids could be active in school sports. Parents were thankful they were free.
Everyone that serves gives of their time to come and care for the least of these. We offer visits, specialty visits, lab services, and pharmacy services. It is an honor to serve others. I am also thankful for all the volunteers that come to serve.
To help people to wellness we used 561 different pharmaceuticals and gave out 3340 prescriptions. We also used Patient Assistant Programs which provide free medicine, with a value of $701,178.00 which allowed us to provide patients specialty drugs, inhalers, long and short acting insulins, special medications like Jardiance, and heart medications. I am thankful for Memorial Road who provides money to help us with medicines for the people.
Several times during the year we were blessed with surprise snacks from our patients that felt like dinner. Each one allowed us in to taste their cultures and learn more about them, and we were blessed. We are thankful for these surprises and blessed by their thankfulness. Their thankfulness always feels like a new tank of gas so we can keep going.
attended Sharpen dinner
attended Spring and Fall shotgun shoot
attended golf tourney
attended Men’s Mission trip

raised on Missions Sunday

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6

Prison Ministry
Mailed out 13,000 Bible lessons this year.
Mailed out 475 Bibles this year.
Prison Ministry Story:
Justin recently let us know he is using our Bible lessons to study with his mom and his son over the phone while he is incarcerated. He said, “I really like how the lessons gave the Lord’s Prayer and broke it down as a way to supplement our own prayers! Good thoughts! Good words! I’m going to end with one of my favorite scriptures. Romans 12:2: Do not be conformed by the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we may be able to prove what’s acceptable to God’s Will.”
Second Chances Story:
From homelessness to housed. Anna and her son, Mark (not their real names) lived outside in a tent. Anna battled addiction. Daily she and her 7-year-old son came to Second Chances for food, hygiene, and bus passes. Mark was a sweet kid who had challenges with ADHD, ADD, and trauma. On various weekends Delisa would pick him up and allow him to stay at her house. Anna started attending service and was baptized. She overcame her addiction, gained employment, and secured housing with the help of Second Chances. Anna enjoys working, volunteering, and being a parent. Mark succeeds academically at Positive Tomorrow School, feels secure, and benefits from stability and continuity.
cold lunches 6 days a week
hot meals 5 days a week
bus passes handed out twice a week
fleet vehicles
miles driven
people transported
“We are blessed with growing numbers in our Children and Youth Ministries which means we need reliable transportation to get them to mission trips, camps and all of their activities. With your generosity we were able to purchase a new 15 passenger van and upgrade to a newer, larger bus this year.”

Women’s ministry
at Skills Night
attended Night of Encouragement
attended Painting Night
prayed for by ministry leaders

Young Adults
new small groups created
parents attended our first Wise Parent Seminar
books read for Young Adult Book Society

Youth Ministry
attended our state-wide Unite event
students attended JH & HS Camp Pettijohn
students actively participating in small groups
slices of pizza served at Wednesday night dinners
This year at church camp we discussed what it means for us to be living proof of a loving God and we had the privilege of watching our students live that out all year long on each of our mission trips and in our regular scheduled Sunday and Wednesday gatherings.