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Promised – A Celebration of Marriage

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Paul offers the following counsel: “Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor” (Romans 13:7). Taking our cues from the apostle, this Sunday we wll give honor to a special group of people at Memorial Road, those who have been married 50 years or more. We feel this tradition is an important way to celebrate commitment and fidelity in a time when these virtues are increasingly rare. And, while it is true that many people long for this kind of relationship but have not had the chance, and many others mourn the loss of the person with whom they had hoped to reach this milestone, this kind of achievement is still worthy of our collective commendation. For those of you who have made this journey, we thank you for your faithfulness and example of the unconditional love of God.