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Equipping and empowering believers in distant lands


Millions in foreign countries already believe in God and are anxious to learn more about Christ and the Bible. Few of us in America will ever be able to travel to these distant lands to share the saving message. The World Bible School Ministry is a way we can each respond to Jesus’ charge to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15.

Every month we receive the names of hundreds who wish to study our free lessons. Each week several students write requesting baptism. Wouldn’t you enjoy helping to equip and empower these believers in distant lands?


If you would like to receive exciting, free Bible courses, write World Bible School at P.O. Box 6596, Edmond, OK, 73083.

Weather Alert: 02-19-25

Due to winter weather, our offices and buildings are closed Wed., Feb. 19. A decision on Wed. night classes will be made by early afternoon. Stay safe and warm!